Experimental Economics

Please click the link below to download PowerPoint & Video for each chapter of the book
Experimental Economics (published by PT Gramedia) and other related materials. 

  Related to Chap-1 & 9. Behavioral Economics            Video_BE (MRBKK)
                 After discussing the experimental examples in each chapter,
                 the lessons learned for behavioral economics are explained
  Chap 1-3. Experimental Economics       Video_EE (MRBKK)
                    Experimental Economics in Indonesia _BJ- 22 Sep 2012
          Data used in the book     Do-File using STATA (MRBKK)

Chap 1. Introduction to  Exp Economics (Chap 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8)  Training Materials (MRBKK)
Chap 2. Experimental Design in Economics 
               2.11 Software Use (an application software can be obtained from the author: readme)
                     explained in the video below, starting at the 25:33 minute position
Chap 3. Experiment for 3 Market Transactions       Video
Chap 4. Experiment on Determinants of Taxpayer Compliance
Chap 5. Experiment of Influential Factors on the Banking Performance 
Chap 6. Experiment on Strategies to Improve Irrigation Efficiency with the SRI method (under construction)
Chap 7. Experiment on the Denomination Effect
           Department Of Economics-FEM-IPB, Laboratory of Economics: Research on Denomination Effect Through  Experimental Approach
Chap 8. Experiment on the Redenomination Effect
Chap 9. Experiments on the Application of Nudge Theory in Public Problems      Video (MRBKK)
                  Exp in Field Study -Training Materials(1) (MRBKK)
                  Exp in Field Study -Training Materials(2)
           Student Assignments (Videos):  Group-1   Group-2

Experiment on Tax Compliance in Tax Amnesty Policy presented in the International Economic Association (IEA) Online World Congress (6 July 2021) in a session of "Evidence Based Policies In Indonesia: Behavioral Economics And Experimental Approach"


Materi Pelatihan:  Eksperimen dlm Kajian Ekonomi & Analisisnya 
Silabus Workshop Exp-Ec
CV of Prof BJ in Pictures. It should be presented in big screen while the brief CV was being read by the Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management IPB.

Document of Orasi Bambang juanda

Power point file of Orasi BJ 25 Sept 2010