Please click the link below to download my RDTP lecture powerpoint (ppt). The main textbooks used are Todaro-Smith and other textbooks. Visitors can also use ppt from these textbooks. I inserted a few slides related to the Indonesian context and our researchs.
Chap1. Introduction Video-1
Chap2. Common Characteristics of DC, Regional, & Rural-Urban Video-2
Chap3. Rostow & Harrod-Domar Growth Models Video-3
Chap4. Structural-Change model Video-4
Chap5. Growth Theory (Neo Classical, Endogenous, Inclusive, Sustainable) Video-5
Chap6. Poverty & Inequality Video-6
Chap7. Regional Autonomy & Fiscal Decentralization Video-7
Chap8. Policy Instruments of Fiscal Decentralization Video-8
Chap9. Quality Spending Video-9
Chap10. Fiscal Transfer Effect and Regional Proliferation Study Video-10
Chap11. APBDes & Reformulasi DT Video-11
Local Wisdom-based Competitiveness_BJ_14Okt19
Bab 6 Kebijakan Fiskal